
Life Coaching & Counseling

Journey to Emotional Freedom

Nancy Wunderlich, BA, LMT, is a client centered counselor in Boulder, Colorado who draws on her vast training and experience of many therapeutic modalities. She utilizes what is needed and can be most beneficial and healing for each client. 

Offering Help and Hope…

As your Life Coach, I will help you clear away the confusion that the stress of daily life can bring. You will receive tools for new awareness that can help you cultivate positive changes that support your personal and professional goals.

I won’t solve your problems. Through practice, you will learn how to turn challenges into opportunities for positive growth and change. New-found confidence will allow you to face the furture more easily.

Life coaching is for anyone who wants to experience a fuller, richer life! 

I am Professionally Trained to Help You

Realize Your Potential

Experience the magic of your true nature 

Believe in Yourself

Learn how to trust in yourself and your decisions  

Become a New You

Unlock the door and step into the possibilities

When is it Most Helpful to do a Life Coaching Session?

When you experience present day challenges, when you’re not reaching desired goals or feeling fulfillment, life coaching can help. In a safe setting, I offer practical tools that give you new insights, allowing you to find your inner resources. This allows you to make positive choices confidently that support you in moving forward.

I Can Help You…


  • Gain new awareness and insight
  • Connect with your inner resources
  • Break patterns that keep you stuck
  •  Cultivate skills for emotional intelligence
  • Build a foundation for ongoing momentum, success & joy

Does it seem as though you are falling short of your goals no matter what you try? What are the stories you tell yourself that can derail your success? 

There is a peaceful place inside you that exists as pure potentiality and wholeness. Trauma of the past from birth, early childhood conditioning, abuse or neglect, may have placed layers of unwanted emotions on top of your radiant nature. These unwanted emotions might be fear, anger, guilt or shame. 

The focus of all my work is bringing light to the darkness in a safe and sacred setting. My mission is to provide the keys that can open the door to realizing and living your highest goals.   

“It takes courage to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.”


~Marianne Williamson

Inspirational Guided Meditations For You

These 15 minute videos can help you relax, reduce anxiety and return to a natural state of calmness and clarity.

I guide you through the experience with peaceful music and singing bowls, and leave you with a tool kit of resources you can use later.


The topics in these videos include:

  • Dispelling the many faces of fear
  • Moving from loneliness to connection
  • Improving the relationship with yourself
  • Building healthy relationships with others
  • Cultivating patience
  • Coping with the pandemic
  • Developing emotional intelligence

I created these videos to help you get through your challenges so you can build a stronger emotional foundation. They can help you reset the neural networking system within your body. High-vibration singing bowls are included to help clear away any negativity that has accumulated.

Helping You Achieve Success…

Unlock Your Full Potential

Are you ready to create the life you’ve dreamed of? Here are just some of the ways you will benefit from our time together… 

Move from fear and doubt to self-love and compassion.

Learn proven practices to navigate through challenging situations more effectively.

Tame your inner critic so you can know how unique and powerful you are.

Resolve recurring negative habit patterns and self sabotage so you can achieve your goals.

“You can reclaim power over your life. 

Have faith in yourself. Trust in another.”


~Nancy Wunderlich BA LMT

Anxiety Counseling...

Do you often feel overwhelmed and on edge at work, at home or during social interactions? Do you struggle with fears about all of the things that might go wrong in a given situation?     


Depression Counseling...

Does the world seem gray, as though the color has drained away from your life? Do you feel less and less inspired and motivated to engage with people and in activities that you once enjoyed?


Trauma Therapy...

Has a frightening or life-threatening event, such as an assault, accident or illness, eroded the feelings of stability and security you once had in your body and your world?


Addiction Counseling...

Does it feel as though there is something missing in your life, and only certain substances or behaviors help to fill or numb that void?


Relationship Counseling...

Have you consistently found yourself in the wrong relationship? Are you feeling worn down and frustrated by the same problems you’ve struggled with for years?


Spiritual Counseling...

Spiritual counseling is an approach that honors and addresses the invisible, unseen parts of the self. Essentially, it can help you tap into your true values and passions and connect with your wisest self. Based on the research of Dr. Earnest Holmes and Buddhist, Native American and Ageless Wisdom teachings that date back through the ages, this holistic therapy approach focuses on the mind, body and spirit.


Personal Growth...

Do you feel as though there is no way out of the turmoil or feelings of emptiness? Is something deep inside of you—some buried passion or need for self-expression—gnawing at you, desperate to break free? Do you wish you could figure out what you want, achieve personal growth and feel empowered to live as your best, truest self?


Success Stories…

Helping You Feel Better, Sooner

So many of my clients have come to me after trying other types of counseling / coaching, yet they still suffer with the same issues. Releasing old, stuck patterns held in the unconscious is key to making lasting, positive change.

The body-centered approach I have developed is unique. Several of my clients have shared their thoughts about their experience with me.

Please read these testimonials and see for yourself how their lives have improved with lasting results.

“During my time with Nancy, we delved into some really deep personal issues that I have been carrying with me since childhood. Knowing that Nancy was non-judgmental, allowed me to feel comfortable enough to open up in ways that I would never do with friends or family. I was amazed at how easy it was to talk to Nancy about very personal feelings and emotions. Now I am able to find peace amidst the chaos. I only wish I had met her years earlier!”

Student, Boulder, CO.

“My phone sessions with you have been enormously healing. I am pleased to say I am happier and less anxious and continue to own my power. The relationship with my husband has improved immensely too. It was so true what you said, often times when one partner makes changes, the other one comes along. I don’t know that I would have decided to throw myself a big birthday party without this growth, so thank you!”


Kindergarten Teacher, Seattle WA.

“I thought my only option was to stay in my current profession. Nancy helped me move away from the fear of leaving my comfort zone. The limiting belief that I am too old to find a new job, or that its too late to pursue my passion is gone. I found confidence and began to believe there is something greater for me. With her help, I’ve created a new beginning that supports my dreams. I have also learned to have a healthy balance between work and play.”


Self-Employed, Longmont, CO.

What Sets Nancy Apart From Other Life Coaches?

As well as being a life coach and psychotherapist, Nancy’s full-spectrum approach is unique. She interchanges her proprietary blend of Breathwork called Soul-Centered Breathwork® with counseling and life coaching. Traditional counseling is helpful for bringing awareness and insight to your challenges. Body-centered therapies like Soul-Centered Breathwork® promote healing on a cellular level, restoring balance, peace of mind and wholeness. Experiencing  the mind / body connection in a therapeutic setting is a holistic approach and powerful experience.  

When is it Most Helpful to do a Breathwork Session?

There’s a time for counseling and a time for Breathwork. Nancy will work with you to decide what is most beneficial for your particular needs. Soul-Centered Breathwork® helps you break repeated patterns held in the unconscious mind that can keep you stuck. This transformative experience releases the confusion and pain that comes with strong emotions.  The process helps you to gain insight and heal anxiety, traumatic experiences and any area that keeps you from the love and connection you desire in your personal and professional life.

Tired of recycling issues rather than resolving them?

Get to Know Nancy


Time and again I have witnessed people move from hopelessness to hope and from dis-empowerment to self-respect and emotional freedom. More than anything, my life is about being of service by assisting others to live in alignment with deep truths and experience a profound relief from suffering. It is an honor to facilitate clients as they connect to their own spiritual source, return to their authentic Self and transform their lives.

I work with individual clients at my office or remotely. Since moving to Colorado in 2005, I also lead transformational workshops and integration process groups.

“You don’t have to travel through life alone.”

~ Nancy Wunderlich BA, LMT


Nancy received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. She was instinctively drawn to advanced studies in Transpersonal Psychology, the power of intentional thought, shamanism, experiential process work, and the psychology of emotional intelligence.

After training for breathwork at the Transformational Studies Institute in Jupiter, Fl. Nancy became a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute in California. Today she continues her studies at the Boulder Psychotherapy Institute. This particular practice draws from Gestalt therapy and other experiential approaches. 

To Learn More, Visit my Blog…

I am excited to share some of my teachings with you. These posts are designed to give you practical tools that you can apply in your daily life. Please contact me at to schedule a free, no-obligation 45 minute discovery session. You deserve to live the life of your hopes and dreams.


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Love Unveiled

Love Unveiled

Love, the ethereal force that binds the universe, transcends definition. It is the heartbeat of existence, connecting...

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4665 Nautilus Court S. 

Suite 100

Boulder, Colorado 80301

Life Coaching
