Emotional Intelligence Series
What gets in the way of your personal and professional success?
This series of posts provides strategies that can lead to understanding your emotions. From there you can learn how to to respond intelligently and confidently, creating harmony in all areas of your life.
In This Series of Posts…
I provide tools to help you gain new awareness so you can make positive changes that support your goals and dreams. I’ll share ways you can learn how to respond intelligently, instead of reacting to a challenging situation that you may regret.
Join me for an exploration into finding new solutions in overcoming the obstacles that can keep you stuck. Whatever your roadblock is, I can help you break old patterns so you can move forward and create what you desire and reach your goals.
This can be the first step in your journey to a life of success, fulfillment and freedom.
Navigating the Depths of Anger
Anger, a formidable and intricate emotion, often becomes a daunting presence in the lives of many. In my work with clients, I've observed distinct trends—men, at times, find solace in expressing anger as it aligns with societal expectations of strength, while women,...
Unveiling the Unhealed Aspects of the Self
In the vast landscape of our minds lies the enigmatic territory of the shadow self—a realm often obscured, where unhealed wounds, repressed memories, and uncomfortable feelings linger in the unconscious. As adults, the shadow self can manifest in subtle yet impactful...
The Transformative Power of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Communication: Strengthen and Empower
Overcoming the Pain of Rejection
Vulnerability as a Strength
Negative Self-Judgment into Positive Self-Love
Moving Beyond Co-Dependency
Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Quiz
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a fundamental aspect of our lives that profoundly influences our experiences and relationships. This self-assessment quiz is designed to help you gauge your EI by evaluating your ability to Perceive, Understand, Manage, and Use emotions...
Personal Growth = Emotional Intelligence

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Suite 100
Boulder, Colorado 80301